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Pinguicula ehlersiae 'Victoria'

Regular price $19.99

Only 18 in stock

Pinguicula ehlersiae 'Victoria'/ - Carnivorous plant Butterwort- The plants on the pictures are representative, you will get a similar plant. [Plants are not flowering at the moment]

You'll get a similar plant to the ones in the pictures. Please note that some plants are greener than others but will turn pinkish/reddish with time under intense light.

The plants are shipped bare root in a plastic container to protect the plants. We ship the plants on Monday and Wednesday to avoid the weekend cut off.

The plant's size is between 0.5-0.75" in diameter.

The plant has been growing under LED lights with a temperature of 75~80° during the day and 55~70° at night.


It is strongly recommended to get a heating pack during the winter to protect your plant from low temperatures, we are not responsible for dead plants that did not have a heating pack during transit. 1 heating pack per order is enough.

Plant size between 0.5-0.75" in diameter
Light A sunny windowsill, T5, or LED lights
Potting medium Mexican Pinguicula mix
Feeding Fish food or bugs every 3-4 weeks
Water Keep soil moist
Humidity 50-80%
Temperature 55-85°F
Mature plant size 1.5-2" (Depending on care)
Dormancy None, nevertheless, plant may go into a succulent state during Winter (depending on temperatures).

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